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Home / US Cemeteries / Ohio / Cuyahoga County

Hinckley Ridge Cemetery
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Adams St
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Located on Cleveland's far west side and draped over a gently sloping hill, near Kamm's Corner, this beautiful cemetery represents one of the city's earliest burial grounds, final resting place for many of the ealiest settlers of the area, including (reputedly) some Indians. The old section, an acre or two in size, dates to 1813, but the much larger section extends to the east and is still in use today. One of Cleveland's essential graveyards. http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ohclecem/algercemetery.html
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Butternut Ridge
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Historic (and still active) cemetery, North Olmsted OH...west of Cleveland. Dates to 1850's, very well maintained.
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Erie St
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Fir St
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Froehlich Family
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God's Acre
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Lakeside (Bay Village)
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Monroe St
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Once known as the Westide Cemetery, Monroe St dates to approximately 1836, originally the town cemetery for Ohio City, which later became incoporated into the city of Cleveland. Oldest headstone we found in this now-urban cemetery on Cleveland's east side dates to 1827, moved from elsewhere. Many elaborate and ornate monuments, reflecting Cleveland's prosperous early days an industrial center. Well maintained under a host of mature trees.
North Royalton
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Old Chestnut Grove
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Ridge Road 1
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Ridge Road 2
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Scranton Rd
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St Adalbert
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St Mary (Berea)
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St Mary (Fulton St)
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St Patrick
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St Peter Paul
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Tinkers Creek
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Large, shaded cemetery on Cleveland's west side, Westpark dates to about 1900. About 127 acres and 47,000 interments. Peaceful cemetery, a little chaotic in places.
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