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Home / US Cemeteries / Colorado / Weld County

Beebe Draw
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Highland Lake
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Home of Peace
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Lakeview (Windsor)
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Linn Grove
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Very large, historic and verdant cemetery on the outskirts of the farming community of Greeley, CO. Dates to about 1874. Peaceful, well-maintained and nicely laid out cemetery. http://greeleygov.com/LinnGroveCemetery/default.aspx
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Mountain View (I76 and CO52)
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Mountain View (Nunn)
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Mt Pleasant
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Located on a high, windswept ridge above Erie, CO, with a spectacular view of the Continental Divide. This cemetery was situated here in about 1882, when the original Erie cemetery was moved up from the valley below. Modern and historic, this is one of our favorite cemeteries nearby. These photographs were taken on two separate visits. Between the first and second set of photographs, the cemetery was assaulted by vandals and up to 40 stones were damaged or knocked over.
Mt Zion
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Pleasantview Ridge
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Prairie View
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Barren, lonely and forgotten graveyard on the high rolling grasslands of Northeast Weld County, Sligo is one of the most affecting places we've visited. Earliest readable marker says 1888, last marked burial appears to be 1976, but most stones seem to indicate the main activity here was between about 1916 - 1948. Thunderous solitude here.
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